Online Optom Learning Series Glaucoma Lectures
Glaucoma Evaluation – Part 1 by Dr. Arjun Gokani
Dr. Arjun Gokani, the head of the glaucoma department at KEM hospital, Mumbai, begins by listing the different types of glaucoma. He points out the importance of history
Glaucoma Evaluation – Part 2 by Dr. Arjun Gokhani
Dr. Arjun Gokhani, the head of the glaucoma department at KEM hospital, Mumbai, begins by informing us about the recent advances in Intra-Ocular Pressure measurements as listed below
Interpreting the Shades of Grey: A Course on Perimetry by Dr. Priti Kamdar
Dr. Priti Kamdar, a practicing ophthalmologist and a glaucoma specialist, begins by explaining the reasons of when eye-care practitioners should perform perimetry and some tips on how to
Clinching the Diagnosis with Perimetry by Dr. Priti Kamdar
Dr. Priti Kamdar, a glaucoma specialist begins by explaining the importance of perimetry for the diagnosis of ocular conditions. She goes on to elaborate with case studies that
Role of Optometrist in Glaucoma detection – A generalized perspective by Dr. Uday Kumar Addepalli
Dr. Uday Kumar Addepalli, a publich health optometrist and a researcher begins by explaining what is Glaucoma? He shortly mentions the prevalence of glaucoma and its different types.