December 5, 2020
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Optom. Srikanth Dumpati, a contact lens (CL) expert begins by classifying some of the common causes of soft contact lens complications. He delves directly into the topic by elaborating more on each complication
- Risk factors for CL complications
- Contributing factors
After explaining the risk factors we learn in detail about clinical manifestations for each of the complications
- Hypoxia
- Epithelial edema
- Microcysts
- Vacuoles
- Stromal edema
- Endothelium
- Corneal Vascularization
- Epithelial edema
- Mechanical complications
- Contact lens papillary conjunctivitis (CLPC)
- Stages
- Signs
- Contact lens papillary conjunctivitis (CLPC)
- Etiology
- Management
- Inflammatory or infectious complications
- Superioir Epithelial Arcuate Lesion (SEAL)
- Contact Lens-induced Acute Red Eye (CLARE)
- Contact Lens Peripheral Ulcer (CLPU)
- Microbial Keratitis
- Differentiation between CLPU and Microbial Keratitis
- Infiltrative Keratitis (IK)
- Asymptomatic Infiltrative Keratitis (AIK)
- Asymptomatic Infiltrates (AI)
The session ends with a Q and A session for the live audience.