Dr. Priti Kamdar, a glaucoma specialist begins by explaining the importance of perimetry for the diagnosis of ocular conditions. She goes on to elaborate with case studies that help us understand how perimetry can be a crucial tool in a clinic.
- Case 1
We learn about the Relative Afferent Pupillary Defect (RAPD) and the visual pathway damage that could lead to this defect.
- Case 2
This case illustrates a sphenoidal ridge meningioma and it’s corresponding visual pathway damage.
- Case 3
Dr. Kamdar used visual fields to diagnose a right sided congruous homonymous quadrantanopia
- Case 4
A visual field leads to the diagnosis of a pituitary tumor displayed with a non-congruous bitemporal hemianopia.
- Case 5
We learn about the ischemic optic neuropathy and altitudinal defect on visual fields.
Lastly, she concludes with some very important take home message for eyecare practitioners. The session ends with a Q and A session for the live audience.