Common Eye Disorders Encountered in Low Vision and Optometrist Approach by Ms. Priyanka Sinha

Online Optom Learning Series (OOLS) Sessions

Ms. Priyanka Sinha, a practicing optometrist, begins by telling us the importance of a full low vision work-up and the role of an optometrist in managing low vision patients. We briefly go over the different assessments conducted for low vision with a focus on differences as compared to assessments for a normal individual. This raises the question as to what is the population we can serve?

Ms. Sinha points out that there are more than 249 million and 54 million low vision patients worldwide and in India, respectively. We delve into the barriers to low vision care in India. Following this, we talk about the common eye disorders in low vision and their classifications.

After understanding the disorders, we discuss the different management options for the patient based on their primary low vision complain.

  1. Central field loss 
  2. Peripheral field defect 
  3. Overall blurred vision 
  4. Hemianopic field defect 

Ms. Sinha then talks in-depth about magnification and different types of magnifiers, as these might be some of the most common devices used for low vision management. We learn about the various calculations to provide the patient with an optimum magnifier.

Lastly, we learn about some of the new technologies available in the market.

  1. Implantable miniature telescope 
  2. Retinal prosthesis system 

In the end, we conclude the session with a Q and A session with the live audience.



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