Dr. Damaris Raymodi, a clinical optometrist begins by informing us that a large number of individuals have color vision deficiency (CVD), a staggering 300 million individuals around the world. We briefly review the different types of CVD. Dr. Raymondi focuses on the different color vision test.
- Ishihara
- Hardy Rand Rittler (HRR)
- Lantern
- Farnsworth D-15
- Nagel Anamoloscope
As we progress, we learn the importance of actively listening to our patients to elevate our practice standards. It is necessary as primary health care providers to understand patients real world difficulties, we quickly go through a list of them and
Dr. Raymondi encourages us to be empathetic to our patients with these issues. The talk takes quick turn to focus on advantages of CVD. We review the occupational limitation for those with CVD. Lastly we focus on the current aids and tools used for managing CVD.
- X-Chrome lens
- Enchroma
- Pilestone
- Color blind pal app
- Fruitone app
In conclusion, we see a list of celebreties that have CVD yet, a very successful life. The session ends with an informative Q and A session with the audience.
Bastien K, Mallet D, Saint-Amour D. Characterizing the Effects of Enchroma Glasses on Color Discrimination. Optom Vis Sci. 2020 Oct;97(10):903-910.
Cole BL. Assessment of inherited colour vision defects in clinical practice. Clin Exp Optom. 2007 May;90(3):157-75.
Ramachandran N, Wilson GA, Wilson N. Is screening for congenital colour vision deficiency in school students worthwhile? A review. Clin Exp Optom. 2014 Nov;97(6):499-506.
Varikuti VNV, Zhang C, Clair B, Reynolds AL. Effect of EnChroma glasses on color vision screening using Ishihara and Farnsworth D-15 color vision tests. J AAPOS. 2020 Jun;24(3):157.e1-157.e5.
Websites and Apps
Online Farnsworth D-15
Eye-handbook App
iOS: https://apps.apple.com/us/app/eye-handbook/id335546959
Color Blind Pal App
iOS: https://apps.apple.com/us/app/color-blind-pal/id1037744228