General overview on Age-related Macular Degeneration by Hasanain Shikari

Online Optom Learning Series (OOLS) Sessions

Hasanain Shikari, a practicing ophthalmologist begins with the basics by introducing the 10 retinal layers and their physiological functions. We are overview Age-related Macular Degeneration (AMD) in detail:

  1. Definition 
  2. Risk factors 
  3. Classification 
    1. Dry AMD 
    2. Wet AMD 
  4. AREDS Classification 
  5. Pathophysiology 
    1. Dry AMD 
    2. Wet AMD 
  6. Signs and symptoms 
    1. Early stage dry AMD
    2. Late stage dry AMD 
    3. Wet AMD 
  7. Examination and testing 
    1. Amsler grid 
    2. Fundus examination 
    3. Fluorescein Angiogram 
    4. Optical Coherence Tomography 
      1. Dry AMD 
      2. Wet AMD 
    5. Optical Coherence Tomography Angiography 
    6. Indocyanine green angiography 
  8. Treatment and Prevention 
    1. Wet AMD 
    2. Refractive correction/Low vision aids 
  9. AREDS

At the end we review some key points to always remember when treating AMD. We conclude with a live Q and A session.
