Online Optom Learning Series Retina Lecture Series
Clinical Implication of Disc Hemorrhages by Dr. Austin R. Lifferth
Dr. Austin R. Lifferth, a practicing optometrist and a glaucoma expert, begins by explaining that sometimes clinically, it is more important to look for the minor signs when assessing for glaucoma. He shows us how the glaucoma expert and a trainee are different when evaluating the optic disc.We learn about
General overview on Age-related Macular Degeneration by Hasanain Shikari
Hasanain Shikari, a practicing ophthalmologist begins with the basics by introducing the 10 retinal layers and their physiological functions. We are overview Age-related Macular Degeneration (AMD) in detail: Definition Risk factors Classification Dry AMD Wet AMD AREDS Classification Pathophysiology Dry AMD Wet AMD Signs and symptoms Early stage dry AMD
The Epidemiology and Diagnosis of Diabetic Retinopathy by Dr. Chinmay Nakhwa
Dr. Chinmay Nakhwa, a practicing retinal surgeon, begins with an overview of diabetes and its effects on the retina. He warns us about the growing epidemic of diabetes and the ophthalmic problems related to diabetes. He briefly mentions the risk factors for diabetic retinopathy, enlisted below Duration of diabetes Glycemic
Interpreting the Macular OCT made Super Easy by Dr. Urmi Shah
Dr. Urmi Shah starts with the basics of optical coherence tomography (OCT) and the importance of OCT interpretation for all eye care practitioners. OCT is similar to ultrasound, except it uses light waves. Dr. Shah specifies, in short, the working of the OCT machine. Then, she introduces the different OCT